3D Lines and the 3D Renderer actors. *updated*

This shows you some nice ways of using the 3D line actors and 3D renderer actor – which is pretty new.

Previously the 3D actors have been like projectors; meaning they are the end of the line before the video goes out to the stages. But now you can turn the ‘destination’ setting to renderer and it re-directs the video to the 3D renderer actor.

So…. this opens up a lot of possibilities!


*UPDATE* (July 2017)

The 3D Renderer actor has since been replaced with the Virtual Stage Actor.

See attached file as a demo.



Barbican Video Mapping (Isadora Mapping)

I managed to get some footage of a project I was helping with a few weeks back.

This was held at the Barbican Theatre/Performance Venue in London, UK. My friend Dan Shorten (from Anomic) who works as Guild Hall School of Drama had students help out and we helped the Barbican promote the spaces and areas they have for potential clients.

I helped with some of the mapping and made sure Isadora ran smoothly. Which it did… of course!

2d to 3d – Finally!

I have been pondering this idea for a long long time! I have experimented with the Kinect camera to scan 3D objects and make virtual 3D copies but I have always toyed with the idea of making realistic 3D objects using 2D images. This can be done somewhat in photoshop and after effects but this method blew me away!

Source : http://createdigitalmotion.com/2013/09/from-a-single-2d-photo-3d-objects-created-easily/

Basic: Mapping a cube in Isadora tutorial [FREE DOWNLOAD]

I decided to put together a little demo of how I would map a basic cube in Isadora using standard Isadora actors. No IsadoraCore upgrade or third party installers required. This should work on Mac and PC also.

Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 08.07.40

I have to stress this is very basic but for some it could be very interesting and extremely useful. I decided to zip the files and media so you can open it and follow it as you go along.

Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 08.08.18

Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 08.08.04

Screen Shot 2013-08-22 at 08.07.54

You need the latest version of Isadora. (I actually used the latest beta but this will be fine)


Don’t forget I always welcome a beer if you found this useful 😉

Any questions or comments then please add them below.

Cheers. Enjoy!


Z-Vector. The secret is out!

The long awaited software is out. If you’ve not heard about it then you should have! The guys from Delicode; who brought us Ni-Mate have a brand new toy to play with. Enter Z-Vector…

Z Vector is the world’s first professional visualization software based exclusively on modern depth sensors such as the Microsoft Kinect and the PrimeSense Carmine. It allows you to sample reality in real-time, visualize it the way you like and explore it in 3D with Full HD resolution. Create fresh material for your visual performances right there on the spot. Some great dancers in your crowd? Single them out from the background and make them part of your visual storyline. Assume control with our full MIDI/OSC support or mix Z Vector’s output with your existing set using Syphon (only on Mac OS X).”

I was lucky enough to meet Julius whilst I was in Helsinki for the LUX event and he gave me a sneak preview of it in action. I knew it was powerful then and its been 6 months (near enough to the day) now and wow it’s developed amazingly well.

I was lucky enough to get to test this amazing software well before the official beta test. I spent many hours playing around with parameters and creating some wonderful images. It’s been very hard to keep my mouth shut and even harder not to share any screenshots!!! I posted one or two that I knew I could get away with but nothing more.

What can I say? It’s much easier to head over to their website and either read about it there and/or download the beta whilst its active – go NOW!


What it is:

What it can do:




3D [Embodied] Uses NI-mate for tracking.

“3D [Embodied] is a mixed reality performance involving a virtual world as a platform to explore 3D immersive spatial virtual and physical displays. The performer ́s body interacts with the three dimensional space by the input of computer vision, skeleton tracking, and the output of 3D video mapping projection. Both video and audio rendering are generated in real time. Choreography by Yacov Sharir, sound design by Bruce Pennycook and technical support by Yago de Quay. Austin, 2013”

Some of my work [video]


A good friend Dan Shorten from Anomic (Multi-Media Theatre) hired me for various projects in 2012 and January 2013. You can see a trail of these events in my past posts.

Basically I worked in all of the development stages and then worked in the background as a sort of’ technical supervision’ role for all three of the projects in the video. If Isadora had any hick-ups I could jump in and solve and problems; especially in Helsinki were the conditions were so extreme.

This professional video from Polymath films did a fantastic job as they followed Dan and the various projects from start to finish.  I was lucky enough to be interviewed at the Heslinki Event at LUX too; you can find my section from 7:10 (but watch it all its well worth it!)

Z Vector by Delicode.

The guys at Delicode have teased us with a brand new software called Z Vector.

It was code named “The V” for a month or two but now it has a fancy new website and demo video from a band called Phantom and their official music video Scars.


Delicode are the driving force behind NI Mate and Kinect Stories. This third product is sure to blow the socks off any artist, VJ or individual who has the taste for live visuals and kinect style motion sensing trickery. With an already heavy hitting feature list I am sure this will be lots of fun!

I was lucky enough to see a demo of this when I met up with CEO of Delicode Julius Tuomisto in Helisnki for the LUX festival. Being able to single someone out in a crowd and then create visuas from them is awsome; podium dancers will be a brilliant addition to this software let me tell you!

I think people are going to love playing around with the editable GLSL shader editor; I seen it very briefly in january and it was a pop up window that looked a bit like processing.

I need to learn some GLSL coding I imagine. I also like the idea of Syphoning (is that even a word?) the results out into another software to add more layers, mix, map and play around with. Wow… can’t wait.

Features include:

  • real-time depth camera based 3D scanning and mixing
  • multiple virtual camera and tracking modes
  • multiple drawing modes (vectors, polygons, etc.)
  • full sound and MIDI clock synchronization
  • animatable GLSL shaders with editor
  • full support for Windows / Mac OS X
  • fully scalable output resolution
  • stereo rendering (side-by-side, anaglyphic)
  • GPU acceleration
  • MIDI/OSC control
  • Syphon support (Mac OS X)

Isadora and 3D Renderer Actor

Isadora version came with a new actor called the 3D renderer. This was a much requested feature from many users who explore work and interactivity using 3D models and similar. Previously it was quite difficult to capture the stage output of Isadora and then bring it back into Isadora for further processing (screen capture and syphon helped for a while!) but now this actor solves all the problems. For many, this means effects like motion blur can be added to 3D actors with ease.

I have created a short tutorial to show you the steps…
