Isadora + Processing + Kinect

Isadora & The Edge Feedback Effect

Isadora & The Edge Feedback Effect

I was asked how to create a feedback effects using just the edge of a persons outline. This is how i’d go about it.

1) Use either a Kinect mask (via Ni-mate or similar) or a green screen video. I am using a free download green screen video.

2) Threshold then ‘fills’ the person with white.

3) The Edge then ives you an outline.

4) The video mixer and Spinner actors create the feedback loop. Changing the zoom from 90-120 give good effects. You can also spin the feedback – as you can see me doing. The mix amount can vary; play around with this yourself. Start on 50 so you can see 50:50 and then alter it to your desired effect.

5) The contrast adjust brings the white back up again – this will vary depending on your video feed. I find the IN MAX to 10-12 works ok.

6) Add some motion blur. This is processor hungry so you can always skip this.

7) Out to your stage/projector.

8) I also created a second projector and layered it over the top; using a feed direct from the edge. This will sit on top of the other layer sits more obvious where the person is.

9) OPTIONAL: add more effects such as a coloriser. Add other effects too!

Bazik & Isadora via Syphon.

I recently stumbled across this amazing audio responsive software called Bazik.*

I have been after an audio visualisation tool for a while to incorporate into my Isadora VJ patches. And wow this one really hits the nail on the head.

I also love that “You can add Quartz animations or Shader GLSL” effects!

Here is a short demo on how I set it up.


*NOTE: this was limited to 100 downloads for the beta stage – very sorry!



Inspiring Videos.

Every now and again I like to post some video that I’ve seen. Here they are;

A music video/live performance all done using Z-Vector; VJ Julius Tuomisto and his Z Vector software from Delicode. I love this type of live, real time visuals.

Lots of people have been talking about this video. Chances are you have already seen it. But hey, if you haven’t its amazing an well worth a watch! Read more about it here also:–dollys-the-box-unpacks-a-radically-new-design-concept

Isadora user ‘Lanz’ posted this on the forum. A very fun, vibrant and interesting piece. Lovely digital scenery! [More info here]

“Taking inspiration from fairy tales, In A Deep Dark Wood is a fun and interactive show about a little girl who bravely ventures into a dark and mysterious wood. Encountering tempting trees to climb and beguiling creatures, the tale unfolds as the young audience help to create a magical world using shadow and light to guide the little girl through her bewitching adventure.”

Last but not least check out ‘The zero hour’ by Imitating the Dog.

“Taking as its starting point the final moments of the Second World War in Berlin, The Zero Hour follows the stories of three couples living through three very different versions of the same historical events”

If you have any cool videos to share then add them to the comments below.