Isadora Training

Looking for Isadora training?

Got some questions…. Got a project coming up and want some formal or informal consultation?

Please send me a message to:

grahamthorne[ at ] gmail [ dot] com


Looking for my free tutorials? [CLICK HERE]

I get a LOT of emails asking me questions. They are often complex and take up a fair bit of my time in order for me to figure the problem out.

I would love to help you all out for free… but I have bills to pay and time = money.

If you have a one off question then please consider hitting that donation “you can buy buy me a beer” button.



4 thoughts on “Isadora Training

  1. Hi Graham

    My name is Emma Bouch, I am currently finishing my Master’s degree in dance performance and choreography and I am basing my dissertation performance around Isadora and the digital intervention as its a field I wish to enter after university. My training in the software has only covered some the basics, so I am looking to further this knowledge to create a score. I have already watched a lot of your tutorials which are super helpful. But I was wondering whether you are teaching any workshop/tutorials in London in the coming months? If so what would the fee be?

    Hope to hear from you soon,

  2. Pingback: A Useful Website and A Less Useful Article | Black High Castle

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