House Move, Makey Makey GO, Bazik and Ni-Mate 2!

Hi All,

I’ve been pretty awful at blogging lately. Sorry about that. I’ve been moving house and working hard at my day job. I do however have a lovely new desk to do my audio-visual work and lots more room to play. By play I mean make music, edit video, program Isadora and plug my kinect sensor into Ni-Mate and other software.



I now have a gaming PC which doubles up as a Audio-Visual work horse. It’s pretty decent spec but nothing too fancy. I have Isadora on here to help with testing and stuff. I now can also install other windows based software and muck about. It’s quite handy having a mac and a windows PC. I try and not be a mac or windows hater, I just use both!

I have a snazzy new Novation keyboard for use with Ableton and lots of space for my cables and “junk” as my wife calls it! 🙂 haha.

I got a message a few weeks ago from my good pal Julius from Delicode asking if i’d help him test Ni-Mate version 2.0 and of course I said yes. I helped quite a lot with the first version and I was very pleased to be a part of it. So, it’s public knowledge now as they did a blog post a few days ago:

“It’s been nearly a year since we last put out an official update to NI mate. This doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped working on the software – on the contrary. We’re happy to now announce on the blog that for the past 1,5 years we’ve been hard at work preparing NI mate v2.0 for an eventual release in July 2015.

While we’re launching a complete redesign on as well as a thorough blog post about the updated features and business model in June, some of the things to look forward to include: extended sensor support (adding support for the new Kinect for Windows/XBOX One and Leap Motion), simultaneous sensor support (run multiple sensors in a single instance of NI mate, even mixing different sensor types), BVH/FBX export and an official Autodesk Motion Builder plugin.

Existing purchases of NI mate v1.0 will continue to work forever. Similarly v1 license owners will be offered a generous upgrade path in case they would like to enjoy the new features offered in v2.0. While we’re preparing the new software for official release, we’re also looking for a few good participants in a closed beta. In case you think you would be a good fit, please feel free to send us an application by filling in this form (requires a Google account).”

I also ordered a new toy called the Makey Makey GO. I already have the classic Makey Makey, but thisones is smaller, magnetic and does not require an earth wire. It’s hard to explain exactly what it does and how it does it but you can read more here:

They are really cool devices. I have used them for all sorts and I am hoping to use a few for an instillation at the museum. I may do a full blog post about that at some point.

I am also now beta testing and using a new amazing software called Bazik which is an audio responsive software with Syphon out, MIDI, OSC and much more!

Here is a screenshot of it running into Isadora via Syphon:

So, that’s a little update from me. I have been working hard with the rest of the Isadora crew on testing, problem solving and much more. If you have not checked out Isadora 2 then I suggest you check it out now!

Off to bed now! Talk soon folks!

Graham (aka skulpture)

Inspiring Videos.

Every now and again I like to post some video that I’ve seen. Here they are;

A music video/live performance all done using Z-Vector; VJ Julius Tuomisto and his Z Vector software from Delicode. I love this type of live, real time visuals.

Lots of people have been talking about this video. Chances are you have already seen it. But hey, if you haven’t its amazing an well worth a watch! Read more about it here also:–dollys-the-box-unpacks-a-radically-new-design-concept

Isadora user ‘Lanz’ posted this on the forum. A very fun, vibrant and interesting piece. Lovely digital scenery! [More info here]

“Taking inspiration from fairy tales, In A Deep Dark Wood is a fun and interactive show about a little girl who bravely ventures into a dark and mysterious wood. Encountering tempting trees to climb and beguiling creatures, the tale unfolds as the young audience help to create a magical world using shadow and light to guide the little girl through her bewitching adventure.”

Last but not least check out ‘The zero hour’ by Imitating the Dog.

“Taking as its starting point the final moments of the Second World War in Berlin, The Zero Hour follows the stories of three couples living through three very different versions of the same historical events”

If you have any cool videos to share then add them to the comments below.

Z-Vector. The secret is out!

The long awaited software is out. If you’ve not heard about it then you should have! The guys from Delicode; who brought us Ni-Mate have a brand new toy to play with. Enter Z-Vector…

Z Vector is the world’s first professional visualization software based exclusively on modern depth sensors such as the Microsoft Kinect and the PrimeSense Carmine. It allows you to sample reality in real-time, visualize it the way you like and explore it in 3D with Full HD resolution. Create fresh material for your visual performances right there on the spot. Some great dancers in your crowd? Single them out from the background and make them part of your visual storyline. Assume control with our full MIDI/OSC support or mix Z Vector’s output with your existing set using Syphon (only on Mac OS X).”

I was lucky enough to meet Julius whilst I was in Helsinki for the LUX event and he gave me a sneak preview of it in action. I knew it was powerful then and its been 6 months (near enough to the day) now and wow it’s developed amazingly well.

I was lucky enough to get to test this amazing software well before the official beta test. I spent many hours playing around with parameters and creating some wonderful images. It’s been very hard to keep my mouth shut and even harder not to share any screenshots!!! I posted one or two that I knew I could get away with but nothing more.

What can I say? It’s much easier to head over to their website and either read about it there and/or download the beta whilst its active – go NOW!


What it is:

What it can do:




3D [Embodied] Uses NI-mate for tracking.

“3D [Embodied] is a mixed reality performance involving a virtual world as a platform to explore 3D immersive spatial virtual and physical displays. The performer ́s body interacts with the three dimensional space by the input of computer vision, skeleton tracking, and the output of 3D video mapping projection. Both video and audio rendering are generated in real time. Choreography by Yacov Sharir, sound design by Bruce Pennycook and technical support by Yago de Quay. Austin, 2013”

Z Vector by Delicode.

The guys at Delicode have teased us with a brand new software called Z Vector.

It was code named “The V” for a month or two but now it has a fancy new website and demo video from a band called Phantom and their official music video Scars.


Delicode are the driving force behind NI Mate and Kinect Stories. This third product is sure to blow the socks off any artist, VJ or individual who has the taste for live visuals and kinect style motion sensing trickery. With an already heavy hitting feature list I am sure this will be lots of fun!

I was lucky enough to see a demo of this when I met up with CEO of Delicode Julius Tuomisto in Helisnki for the LUX festival. Being able to single someone out in a crowd and then create visuas from them is awsome; podium dancers will be a brilliant addition to this software let me tell you!

I think people are going to love playing around with the editable GLSL shader editor; I seen it very briefly in january and it was a pop up window that looked a bit like processing.

I need to learn some GLSL coding I imagine. I also like the idea of Syphoning (is that even a word?) the results out into another software to add more layers, mix, map and play around with. Wow… can’t wait.

Features include:

  • real-time depth camera based 3D scanning and mixing
  • multiple virtual camera and tracking modes
  • multiple drawing modes (vectors, polygons, etc.)
  • full sound and MIDI clock synchronization
  • animatable GLSL shaders with editor
  • full support for Windows / Mac OS X
  • fully scalable output resolution
  • stereo rendering (side-by-side, anaglyphic)
  • GPU acceleration
  • MIDI/OSC control
  • Syphon support (Mac OS X)

Can computers fill the role of choreographers?

Can computers fill the role of choreographers?


A really nice article here. Lots of comments and thoughts from Mark Coniglio, Troika Tronix, Troika Ranch, NI Mate from Delicode and more… including a video:

The ‘V’ by Delicode

FIRST; Happy New Year to you all.

Now I like new stuff. I will even admit that I get excited about new visual/music software before i’ve even seen it, tried it or worked with it. I just like new stuff….

The V is from the guys at Delicode. Yes, the guys who made that bloody amazing NI Mate Kinect wizardry thingy that I have gone about for a while. They have only gone and made a VJ style software. And here is me thinking that the introduction of Processing into NI Mate was enough!

Funny enough I am sat at Terminal 3 waiting to fly to Helsinki where the guys from Delicode live… I might *try* and drown them with beer and get some VIP facts…. 😉

Turn this up and enjoy!